...level path

...level path - BA-0035

Sorry, first I lose tons of time during the Christmas / New Year's holiday season,
then the heat goes off on January 12th. The search for the best deal on a new
boiler led to a wait until January 22nd before heat was restored.

Let's just say that 10 days in a house without heat during 20 - 35 degree weather
sort of discouraged doing any work on "...level path" during that time.
It was a choice of space heating (ha - more like just taking most of the chill off
of the room) my bedroom or my work area and the bedroom won.

Anyway, I did manage to get lots of storyline together in my head and onto
paper, so now it's just a matter of getting the stories into comic strip form.
It's not feasible for me to backtrack to where "...level path" had stopped, so
we jump in time to strip number forty, right where we left off in the story
in strip number thirty-three.

...level path - Main Page

...level path - Born Again 2006
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
LP-BA-S-0001 LP-BA-0001 LP-BA-0002
LP-BA-0003 LP-BA-0004 LP-BA-0005
LP-BA-0006 LP-BA-0007 LP-BA-0008
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LP-BA-S-0002 LP-BA-0015 LP-BA-0016
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LP-BA-0034 LP-BA-0035 LP-BA-0036
LP-BA-0037 LP-BA-0038 LP-BA-0039
LP-BA-0040 LP-BA-0041 LP-BA-0042
LP-BA-0043 LP-BA-0044 LP-BA-0045
LP-BA-0046 LP-BA-0047 LP-BA-0048

...level path - Main Page

Mind your step.


bio - "...level path" - comics - paintings - art commissions - storyboards

If you have any questions or comments about anything on these web pages, please e-mail MD Bright.

Copyright ©2007, MD Bright, Revised - January 4th, 2007